viernes, 30 de junio de 2017


1996 was a succesful year for Jenny Nagy. The show Life in the City premiered to an audience of 15 milliom viewers on the 6th of September.
On February 6th, production for her 2nd studio album, titled Movements, began. Nagy decided to make the album a tribute to the 1980s. The 10 songs have at least one small part of 80's music style. The produced hired to work on the project was Mark Roswell, who had produced the successful Rosie Closs album, White Me and Go. Ron Jones felt that he'd do an excellent job working with Nagy. Roswell stated the following in an interview for Rolling Stone on July 7, 1997
"I personally enjoyed working with Jenny. She is a fun loving person, entertaining, hard to dislike, I'm so glad to have produced the album with her, it's one of the best pieces of music I've worked on. It deserved the success it got.
The musicians hired to work on the album were:
-Sam Johnson, guitarist of the band Demoms in Heaven
-Austin Robertson, a producer for Sony Music
-Steve Andersson, manager of the band Gone Love
-Michael Cross, drummer of the band None and
-Tyler Greene, producer for many pop and rock artists.
The first song to be recorded was "I Was There", recorded between April 1 and 7, 1996. April 7, 1996 remains to date the only time Nagy ever worked on a song on a Sunday; it was also the track that took to the longest amount of time to make; having to be recorded in over 70 takes. The second song to be recorded was "Calling You", which would be released as the album's third single. It was recorded between May 6 and 9, 1996. The track Dancing All Around was recorded first on May 31, it is well known for being the first song ever to use auto-tune, there is a version with no auto-tune, which Nagy personally prefers and was supposed to be released on the album, but on June 7, when the track was worked on again, Roswell suggested adding the auto-tune. Nagy was furious with Roswell, because she didn't want a change in her voice for one of the tracks. It was eventually agreed that the auto-tuned version would be released.
The opening track "Disco Ball" was recorded on July 3. The final single of the album "Secrets" was recorded on August 5 and 6. The closing track "The Last Chance" was recorded on the 27th of that month.
The lead single "Energetic Girl" was recorded on September 3rd, and became one of the most successful singles of the 1990s, selling over 13 million copies, and also one of the quickest-produced tracks for the album.
The title track was recorded on the 16th day of September. The song "I Imagine" was recorded on October 7, it was at one point, written for Elton John. The shortest track on the album, "Do You Remember When", was worked on from November 4 to 8.
Production was finished on December 2 with all the 10 tracks mentioned above being selected. Originally the album was going to have 20 tracks, then 14 before it was shortened to just 10.
The lead single, "Energetic Girl" was released on April 7, 1997, and became the most successful single to come out of the album. "Dancing All Around" was released as the album's second single on May 26th; the day of the album's original released.
The album was released on June 30, 1997. It was pushed from its original date, May 26th, so that Nagy could finish her school studies. The album sold over 19 million copies and was met with mostly positive reviews, it peaked at #1 in 19 countries and #2 in the USA, where it was certified gold.
The song "Calling You" was released as the album's third single on July 7th. It was not as successful as the previous two singles, but it managed to peak at #1 in Germany and a few other countries. "Secrets" was the final track to be released as a single, being so on August 25th. It peaked at #3 in the US and #1 in Australia, it was significantly better than the previous single but was not comparable to the first two singles.
The album was nominated for Album of the Year at the 1998 Grammy Awards and the video for "Energetic Girl" was nominated for "Video of the Year" at the MTV Video Music Awards.
Track list:
1. Disco Ball 4:39
2. Dancing All Around 3:50
3. Do You Remember When...? 2:50
4. Energetic Girl 5:00
5. Movements 4:31
6. I Was There 3:22
7. Calling You 3:42
8. Secrets 4:55
9. I Imagine 3:31
10. The Last Chance 4:22
Total Length: 36:02

Energetic Girl

The year 1997 was a memorable one, some significant events were:
. Bill Clinton started his 2nd term as U.S. president (20/1)
. Great Britain returned Hong Kong to China (1/7)
. The film Titanic was released (19/12)
In music:
. James Brown is honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame (10/1)
. Elton John performs "Candle in the Wind" at the funeral of Princess Diana (5/9)
After the success of "The Fist Time", Nagy had officially decided to extend her singing career. In January 22, 1996, she auditioned for the part of Katie in Life in Detroit, and got it the same day. Production for the show started three days later and became one of the most successful teen sitcoms of the 1990s; the role of Katie was Nagy's first lead role ina TV show and she would go on to play more lead characters in her career.
In February 6 of the same year, production for her second album, titled Movements, began. Nagy decided to have every song tribute the 1980s, one of her personal favorite decades. Originally the songs were going to be all related but it was decided that each song should tribute the 80s on their own.
On September 3rd, Nagy wrote a song titled Energetic Girl, the idea of it came after watching some of Madonna's videos. Nagy wrote the lyrics on her way to the studio, Mark Roswell, the producer of the album alongside Nagy; wrote thr song's chorus and added some parts of the music
-"Er, the inspiration for the chorus came from a Poem that I wrote titled "Never Be This Way", one the verses said "I will be your energetic motivation" and so I thought, I think this part, if changed, would fit, and so I changed to "I'll be your energetic girl" and we all knew it was going to be a catchy line.[...] I personally find this line to be one of the best that I've written in my life, It's just so good!
Mark Roswell in an interview with Rolling Stone on July 7, 1997.
The song was recorded in just omehour, making it one of the fastest tracks worked on in Nagy's musical career.
The song was the seventh of the ten songs selected for "Movements", it is the longest song on the album, lasting for a total of five minutes; the singles edit, which lasts three minutes and twenty-five seconds cuts out the third verse and part of the instrumental solo.
The music video was filmed on March 7, 1997, four days before Nagy's 18th birthdays, this mark the final profuct that Nagy filmed in her teenage years.
The video takes place in a nightclub and Nagy is shown wearing all white attempting to please her lover (played by Abel Ramone, one of her co-stars in Life in Detroit. The video is known for Nagy's dance in it, which became popular among fans. The clip uses the single edit version of the song instead of the full version. It was nominated for Video of the Year, at the 1998 MTV Video Music Awards
The song was released as the lead single from the album Movements exactly one month after its video was filmed; April 7, 1997. The song became the most succesful single from the album, peaking at #1 in over 25 countries. It sold over 13 million copies.
-"I love Energetic Girl, it's one of my personal favorite songs, and undoubtedly, one of the best I've written in my career. The catchiness, the lyrics, the tune, they were perfect, I don't think the album would have been as successful as it was without this track, is the heart of the album.
Jenny Nagy in an interview with Billboard Magazine on April 14, 1997.
-"This is without a doubt, the best pop song of all time, I don't think pop music would have been as popular had it not been for this single. It is one of the songs I'm most proud to have worked on.
Album bass player Steve Andersson.

martes, 27 de junio de 2017

The First Time: El Álbum

El 26 de junio de 1995, el primer álbum de estudio de Jenny Nagy "The First Time" fue lanzado al público. Contiene 12 temas grabados por Jenny Nagy incluyendo la canción "The First Time" (ve la historia de ella en esta página en caso de que no la hayas leído), lanzada un mes antes.
Nagy había alcanzado popularidad con su actuación en "En Algún Lugar Juntos", estrenada el 25 de agosto de 1994. La escena más famosa de esa película fue sin duda su actuación de canto, tras el éxito crítico y comercial de la película, hubo muchas ofertas a Nagy para firmar contratos de grabación , Pero Nagy declaró en numerosas ocasiones que no estaba realmente interesada en seguir una carrera de cantante, a pesar de que el canto era una de sus pasiones. Después de una charla con su agente Ron Jones, sin embargo, decidió intentar grabar un álbum, para ver si funcionaría como un experimento. Firmó un contrato con Epic Records el 6 de setiembre de 1994; después del éxito de su sencillo de debut, era oficial que registraría canciones de forma permanente. Las sesiones de grabación se llevaron a cabo del 23 de septiembre de 1994 al 30 de enero de 1995 en los Estudios Capitol en Hollywood, California. La primera canción que grabó Nagy fue "Hello, It's Me". La primera de las doce canciones del álbum que se grabó fue "Hello", grabada entre el 3 y 5 de octubre de 1994. "Somewhere in This Place" fue grabado al día siguiente, 6 de octubre. "If I Could" fue grabado en el 7 y "With You" el 8, una de las pocas ocasiones en que Nagy grabó una canción en un sábado. La canción fue grabada el 11 de octubre y "Love Trouble" el 13 y 14 de octubre. No se grabaron más canciones del álbum durante el resto de octubre. El 2 y 3 de noviembre, se grabó la penúltima pista "Give Something". "Tell Me" fue grabado al final del mes, "Don't You ...?" Fue la última de las 12 canciones grabadas en 1994, siendo grabada el 2 de diciembre, después de algunas sesiones más a lo largo de diciembre, Nagy no regresó al estudio hasta el 9 de enero de 1995.
Un número de canciones inéditas fueron grabadas entre el 9 y el 16 de enero , El 17, se grabó la canción final "Do It"; Al día siguiente, Nagy y el equipo comenzaron a trabajar en la pista más larga del álbum "Yes, Yes, Yes", la producción de la canción continuó hasta el 21, pero no terminó hasta el día 25. El día 30, el último día de la producción del álbum, la canción "Someone There" fue escrita en una hora. El álbum fue producido Nagy y Fred Roberts. Nagy consideró producir el álbum mismo pero Jones la convenció para recibir ayuda de alguien. Jones y Roberts se habían conocido en la década de 1980, cuando Jones era el manager de Katie Rogan. Durante una charla con Nagy, Jones mostró sus discos que Roberts había producido. Nagy les gustó y así Jones se acercó a Robert para producir el álbum junto con Nagy. Jones y Nagy consideraron brevemente que Roberts produjo los otros álbumes de Nagy, si The First Time tuvo el éxito suficiente, pero Nagy más tarde decidió que preferiría trabajar con diferentes personas en cada álbum si The First Time tuviera éxito. La gente que Roberts contrató para trabajar en el álbum fueron: Jake Thompson (tío de Rose Thompson de Real Friends) quien fue el guitarrista principal en la fabricación del álbum, Harry Ramirez quien fue el guitarrista rítmico y también tocó la flauta y el sintetizador en "If I Could", Ernest Smith quien tocó el bajoy Tom Hart, quien fue el baterista y estuvo a cargo de otros instrumentos de percusión. Más músicos fueron considerados para trabajar en el álbum, pero Nagy pensó que los contratados eran suficientes para trabajar en el álbum con. Nagy cantó todas las voces y tocó la guitarra acústica, así como el solo de la guitarra en las pistas del título; Nagy era la única persona femenina implicada en la fabricación del álbum y también en los dos álbumes siguientes y en su álbum del 2011 "Music for Everyone's Ears".
Todas las pistas fueron escritas, producidas y mezcladas por Nagy y Roberts, mientras que Jones estaba a cargo de arreglar e ingeniar las pistas y todas las pistas que Nagy grabaría en el futuro, Esto sigue siendo fiel al material de Nagy, pero no a los que está Un artista destacado, con excepción de "Where You Will Go", lanzada en 2004. Las canciones eran canciones que Nagy había escrito en la primavera y el verano de 1994. Cada canción tiene al menos una parte de las letras agregadas o fijadas por Roberts. La mayor parte de la música de las canciones fue escrita por la propia Nagy con partes de: "Someone There", "Yes, Yes, Yes", "If I Could", "Tell Me" y "Don't You ...?" añadidas o arregladas por Roberts. Jake Thompson sugirió a Nagy que agregara un solo de guitarra eléctrica en la pista del título, Nagy se mostró vacilante, dada la melodía de la canción, pero después de darle una oportunidad decidió añadirla. "If I Could" se basa en la canción "El Cóndor Pasa (If I Could)", el cover de "El Cóndor Pasa" de Simon y Garfunkel. Roberts quería que Nagy grabara una versión suya, pero Nagy insistió en hacer una canción basada en ella. Fue a mediados de la producción que Nagy y el personal acordaron el hecho de que el álbum tendría 12 canciones, y si se hiciera exitoso, al menos 3 canciones más serían lanzadas como sencillos, después del éxito del álbum; y 3 más canciones que se lanzan como singles, 2 más solteros fueron lanzados en el verano de 1995. Como con todos los álbumes de Nagy, en el último día de la producción, Nagy junto con la gente envuelta en la producción del álbum se reuniría para decidir el orden de la canción en el álbum, con Nagy escribiendo en un tablero con un marcador negro. Los videos del single fueron filmados en abril de 1995 y las sesiones de fotos del álbum tuvieron lugar el tercer día de dicho mes, el mismo día en que se filmó el video de la pista. Las fotografías fueron tomadas por Roger Earl, un amigo de largo tiempo de Jones. La portada del álbum incluye a Nagy vistiendo un vestido azul, sentado en un taburete, sosteniendo una guitarra acústica y sonriendo. El álbum fue lanzado a las 12:00 pm, Nagy, Jones y las personas involucradas en la realización del álbum estuvieron "Shell Store", una tienda de música ubicada cerca de la casa , para firmar autógrafos, se firmaron más de 400 autógrafos.
La pista del título del álbum fue lanzada como sencillos el 1 de mayo de 1995, donde se convirtió en un gran éxito, vendió más de 28 millones de copias, convirtiéndose en el sexto sencillo más vendido de todos los tiempos.
El 3 de julio, el segundo sencillo del álbum "Tell Me" fue lanzado, también se convirtió en un gran éxito, entró en el # 6 dentro de media hora de su lanzamiento, y finalmente llegar a # 1. En el Reino Unido, se mantuvo en el puesto # 1 durante 12 semanas, el tiempo más largo que cualquiera de los singles de Nagy se quedó en esa posición allí. El 17, el tercer sencillo "Someone There" fue lanzado, alcanzando el tercer lugar, también fue un éxito significativo, aunque no tan grande como los dos singles anteriores. El 14 de agosto, "Don't You ...?" fue lanzado como sencillo, alcanzando el puesto número 2 en Estados Unidos y muchos otros países.El 21, "Do It" fue lanzado donde alcanzó el puesto # 1 en más de 16 países , Y apenas siete días más tarde, el 28, "Somewhere in This Place", también alcanzó el número 1 en los Estados Unidos e internacionalmente, efectivamente reemplazando "Do It" y se mantuvo en esa posición hasta el 30 de octubre.
El álbum recibió críticas generalmente positivas de los críticos. Tiene un 95 de 100 en Metacritic y 4.5 estrellas de 5 dadas por Rolling Stone. Ganó el "álbum del año" en los premios Grammy de 1996, y la canción del título ganó a Nagy el premio de la "canción del año"; Y también fue nominado para el Premio "Mejor Canción Pop". Nagy también ganó el premio "Mejor Artista Nuevo". Vendió más de 29 millones de copias, convirtiéndolo en uno de los álbumes más vendidos de todos los tiempos, y en junio de 2017, es el segundo material más vendido de Nagy. El video de "The First Time" ganó el "MTV VMA de Video del Año" en 1996. En la celebración del décimo aniversario del álbum, Billboard lo declaró en los mejores álbumes de todos los tiempos, situándolo en el puesto # 17.
1. The First Time (La Primera Vez) 3:12
2. Someone There (Alguien Allí) 4:01
3. With You (Contigo) 2:47
4. Hello (Hola) 3:37
5. Yes, Yes, Yes (Sí, Sí, Sí) 6:00
6. If I Could (Si yo pudiera) 5:14
7. Somewhere in this Place (En algún lugar de este lugar) 4:39
8. Tell Me (Cuéntame/Contame) 3:02
9. Love Trouble (Problema de Amor) 4:41
10. Don't You...? (¿Tú no....?/¿Vos no....?) 3:29
11. Give Something (Da algo) 3:06
12. Do It (Házlo/Hacelo) 3:38
Pistas extras de la edición de lujo del 2015:
13. The First Time (Demo) 3:31
14. Things I Want From You (Cosas que quiero de ti/vos) 4:42
15. Do It (Versión Alternativa) 4:32
16. Someone There (Versión editata de radio) 3:26
17. Somewhere in This Palce  (Versión editada de radio) 3:19
18. Love Trouble (Versión original) 4:41
19. Stay in My Mind (Quédate/Quedate en mi mente) 3:29
20. Definitely (Definitivamente) 4:50
Pistas extras japonesas adicionales:
21. If I Could (Versión sin flauta) 5:14
22. Don't You...? (Versión Alternativa) 3:29
DVD de la edición de lujo del 2015:
1. The First Time (Video) 3:12
2. Tell Me (Video) 3:15
3. Someone There (Video) 4:52
4. Don't You...? (Video) 3:29
5. Do It (Video) 4:00
6. Somewhere in This Place (Video) 4:39
7. El Making of de The First Time 4:59
8. El Making of de Tell Me 5:22
9. El Making of de Someone There 4:21
10. El Making of de Don't You...? 4:12
11. El Making of de Do It 4:21
12. El Making of de Somewhere in This Place 7:12
13. Documental: La Realización de The First TIme 55:30
14. Galería internacional
Longitud total: 43:26 (edición estándar)
Todas las canciones escritas y producidas por Jenny Nagy y Fred Roberts.
Sencillos (fecha de lanzamiento, posición más alta en el Billboard Hot 100 Chart):
The First Time (1 de mayo de 1995, # 1)
Tell Me (3 de julio de 1995, # 1)
Someone There (17 de julio de 1995, # 3)
Don't You...? (14 de agosto de 1995, #2)
Do It (21 de agosto de 1995, # 1)
Somewhere in This Place  (28 de agosto de 1995, # 1)
Álbum del Año, 1996
The First Time: Canción del año, 1996
The First Time (Video), Video del Año, 1996
Mejor Artista Nuevo: 1996

The First Time: The Album

On June 26, 1995, Jenny Nagy's debut studio album "The First Time" was released to the public. It contains 12 tracks recorded by Jenny Nagy including the song "The First Time" (check the story of it in this page in case you haven't read it), released a month before.
Nagy had achieved popularity with her performance in "Somewhere Together", released on August 25, 1994. The most famous scene from that film was arguably her singing performance, following the film's critical and commercial success, there were many offers to Nagy to sign recording contracts, but Nagy stated numerous times that she wasn't really interested in pursuing a singing career, despite the fact that singing was one of her passions. After a talk with her agent Ron Jones, however, she decided to try recording an album, to see if it would work as an experiment. She signed a contract with Epic Records on September 6, 1994; after the success of her debut single, it was official that she would record songs on a permanent basis. Recording sessions took place from September 23, 1994 to January 30, 1995 at Capitol Studios in Hollywood, California. The first song to be recorded by Nagy was "Hello, It's Me". The first of the twelve songs from the album to be recorded was "Hello", recorded between October 3 and 5, 1994. "Somewhere in This Place" was recorded the following day, October 6. "If I Could" was recorded on the 7th and "With You" on the 8th, one of the few occasions in which Nagy recorded a song on a Saturday. The title track was recorded on October 11 and "Love Trouble" on October 13 & 14. No more songs from the album were recorded during the rest of October. On November 2 & 3, the penultimate track "Give Something" was recorded. "Tell Me" was recorded at the end of the month, "Don't You...?" was the last of the 12 songs recorded in 1994, being recorded on December 2, after a few more sessions throughout December, Nagy did not return to the studio until January 9, 1995. A number of unreleased songs were recorded between January 9 and 16, on the 17th, the closing track "Do It" was recorded; the following day, Nagy and the staff began work on the longest track on the album "Yes, Yes, Yes", the song's production continued until the 21st, but it wasn't finished until the 25th. On the 30th, the last day of the album's production the song "Someone There" was written recorded in just one hour. The album was produced Nagy and Fred Roberts. Nagy considered producing the album herself but Jones convinced her to receive help from someone. Jones and Roberts had met in the 1980s, when Jones was the manager of Katie Rogan. During a talk with Nagy, Jones showed her records that Roberts had produced. Nagy liked them and so Jones approached Robert to produce the album along with Nagy. Jones and Nagy briefly considered that Roberts produce Nagy's other albums, if The First Time was successful enough, but Nagy later decided that she would rather work with different people in each album if The First Time was successful. The people that Roberts hired to work on the album were: Jake Thompson (uncle of Rose Thompson from Real Friends) who was the lead guitarist in the making of the album, Harry Ramirez who was the rhythm guitarist and also played the flute and synthesizer on "If I Could", Ernest Smith who played bass and Tom Hart who was the drummer and was in charge of other percussion instruments. More musicians were considered to work on the album but Nagy thought that the ones hired were enough to work on the album with. Nagy sang all vocals and played acoustic guitar, as well as the guitar solo on the title tracks; Nagy was the only female person involved in the making of the album and also in the next two albums and in her 2011 album Music for Everyone's Ears.
All the tracks were written, produced and mixed by Nagy and Roberts while Jones was in charge of arranging and engineering the tracks and every single tracks that Nagy would record in the future, This remains true to Nagy's material but not to the ones where she is a featured artist, save for "Where You Will Go", released in 2004. The tracks were songs that Nagy had written in the spring and summer of 1994. Every song has at least one part in the lyrics added or fixed by Roberts. Most of the songs' music was written by Nagy herself with parts of: "Someone There", "Yes, Yes, Yes", "If I Could", "Tell Me", and "Don't You...?" being added or fixed by Roberts. Jake Thompson suggested Nagy that she add an electric guitar solo on the title track, Nagy was hesitant on it, given the song's tune, but after giving it a try she decided to add it. "If I Could" is based on the song "El Cóndor Pasa (If I Could)", the cover version of "El Cóndor Pasa" by Simon and Garfunkel. Roberts wanted Nagy to record a cover of it but Nagy insisted of making a song based on it. It was midway through production that Nagy and the staff agreed on the fact that that the album would have 12 songs, and if it became successful, at least 3 more songs would be released  as singles, after the album's success; and 3 more songs being released as singles, 2 more singles were released in the summer of 1995. As with all of Nagy's albums, on the last day of production, Nagy along with the peopled involved in the making of the album would gather to decide the song's order in the album, with Nagy writing on a board with a black marker. The single's videos were filmed in April 1995, and the album's photo sessions took place on the 3rd day of said month, the same day when the title track's video was filmed. The photographs were taken by Roger Earl, a long-time friend of Jones. The album cover features Nagy wearing a blue dress, sitting on a stool, holding an acoustic guitar, and smiling. The album was released at 12:00 P.M., Nagy, Jones and the people involved in the making of the album were at "Shell Store", a music store located near Nagy's House, to sign autographs, over 400 autographs were signed. 
The album's title track was released as a single on May 1, 1995, where it became a big hit, it sold over 28 million copies, becoming the sixth best-selling single of all time.
On July 3, the second single from the album "Tell Me" was released, it also became a big hit, it entered at #6 within half an hour of its release, and eventually reaching #1. In the UK, it stayed at #1 for 12 weeks, the longest time any of Nagy's singles stayed in that position there. On the 17th, the third single "Someone There" was released, peaking at #3, it was also a significant hit, albeit not as big as the previous two singles. On August 14, "Don't You...? was released as a single, peaking at #2 in the US and many other countries. On the 21st, "Do It" was released where it reached #1 in over 16 countries, and just seven days later; on the 28th, "Somewhere in This Place", it also reached #1 in the US and internationally, effectively replacing "Do It" and stayed in that position until October 30th. 
The album received generally positive reviews from critics. It has a 95 rating of 100 on Metacritic and 4.5 stars out of 5 given by Rolling Stone. It won "Album of the Year" at the 1996 Grammy Award, and the title track won Nagy the "Song of the Year" award; and was also nominated for the "Best Pop Song" Award . Nagy also won the "Best New Artist" Award. It sold over 29 million copies, making it one of the best-selling albums of all time, and as of June 2017, it is Nagy's second best-selling material. The video for "The First Time" won the "MTV Video Music Award for Video of the Year" in 1996. On the album's 10th anniversary celebration, Billboard declared it on the best albums of all-time, placing it at #17.
Track listing
1. The First Time 3:12
2. Someone There 4:01
3. With You 2:47
4. Hello 3:37
5. Yes, Yes, Yes 6:00
6. If I Could 5:14
7. Somewhere in This Place 4:39
8. Tell Me 3:02
9. Love Trouble 4:41
10. Don't You...? 3:29
11. Give Something 3:06
12. Do It 3:38
2015 20th anniversary deluxe edition bonus tracks:
13. The First Time (Demo) 3:31
14. Things I Want From You 4:42
15. Do It (Alternate Version) 4:32
16. Someone There (Radio Edit) 3:26
17. Somewhere in This Place (Radio Edit) 3:19
18. Love Trouble (Original Version) 4:41
19. Stay in My Mind 3:29
20. Definitely 4:50
Japanese extra bonus tracks:
21. If I Could (Version without flute) 5:14
22. Don't You...? (Alternate Version) 3:29
20th anniversary deluxe edition DVD:
1. The First Time (Video) 3:12
2. Tell Me (Video) 3:15
3. Someone There (Video) 4:52
4. Don't You...? (Video) 3:29
5. Do It (Video) 4:00
6. Somewhere in This Place (Video) 4:39
7. The Making of The First Time 4:59
8. The Making of Tell Me 5:22
9. The Making of Someone There 4:21
10. The Making of Don't You...? 4:12
11. The Making of Do It 4:21
12. The Making of Somewhere in This Place 7:12
13. Documentary: The Making of The First Time 55:30
14. International Sleeve Gallery
Total length: 43:26 (standard edition)
All songs written and produced by Jenny Nagy and Fred Roberts.
Singles (release date, highest position at the Billboard Hot 100 Chart):
The First Time (May 1, 1995, #1)
Tell Me (July 3, 1995, #1)
Someone There (July 17, 1995, #3)
Don't You...? (August 14, 1995, #2)
Do It (August 21, 1995, #1)
Somewhere in This Place (August 28, 1995, #1)
Album of the Year, 1996
The First Time: Song of the Year, 1996
The First Time (Video), Video of the Year, 1996
Best New Artist: 1996