lunes, 31 de julio de 2017

En este día

31 de julio de 1997:
Los actores y actrices de los principales personajes de Real Friends fueron seleccionados el 30 de julio de 1997. Pero uno de los actores en la mañana del 31 de julio de 1997 se le ofreció el papel principal en un Show de CBS llamado Vida de Familia, uno de ellos: Zeke Dabney. Llamó a Joey a las 9:00 y le preguntó dónde estaba, y respondió con:
- Estoy en AVB Studios, ven aquí si quieres decirme algo.
Unos 20 minutos más tarde, llegó a AVB Studios y le explicó a Joey y Tom que tenía más interés en Family Life que en Real Friends. Henderson y Miranda se sorprendieron, pero comprendieron su decisión. A las 9:50, comenzaron a hacer llamadas a los agentes de los cuatro hombres que habían audicionado para el papel de Charlie, todos ellos estaban en AVB Studios a las 10:30, justo antes de las audiciones, un tipo golpeó en la puerta , Y después de presentarse, expresó su interés en el papel de Charlie. Su nombre es Brad Williams. Henderson y Miranda estaban interesados ​​y le permitieron audicionar para el papel.
A las 13:00, después de la hora del almuerzo, Henderson llamó al agente de Brad, Will Ogle, para informarle que Brad había conseguido el papel de Charlie. Ogle dijo a Brad y él estaba feliz. A las 13:30, fue a los estudios de AVB para agradecer a Joey por el papel. Preguntó por el tiempo que tenía que estar allí para la lectura de la mesa y los ensayos. Joey respondió con la siguiente declaración:
- Sólo tienes que memorizar tus líneas y estar aquí en Studio B24 mañana a las 15:30. ¿Por qué a las 15:30? Porque es un proceso que quiero ver si funciona.
-De acuerdo. Entendido-dijo Brad y él dejó el lugar.
A las 16,00:
Logan Reed, Maurine Jensen, Connor Dallmann, Nicole Sackville, Elon Rimmer, Christine Xylander, Zeke Dabney y Grace Naldi en el estudio B24 para grabar las líneas de los personajes. Joey les explicó que quería que el elenco se conociera por primera vez el primer día de filmación, y que la lectura de la tabla sería una recompensa por sus esfuerzos en las audiciones, también dijo que recibirían 6.000 dólares estadounidenses por leer las líneas.
A las 17,00
Logan Reed, justo antes de salir de AVB Studios, Tom le dijo a Joey que todos los esfuerzos habrían valido la pena porque sabía que la serie iba a tener éxito.
"Hmm, veo tu punto Tom. Sabes, es difícil predecir el éxito de algo, pero cuando sucede, puede ser una parte de ti que vivirá dentro de ti para todos los tiempos" - Respondió Joey.
Descubrí mañana la historia de cómo estos 8 grandes actores se conocieron.

On This Day

July 31st, 1997:
The actors and actresses for the main characters in Real Friends were cast on July 30, 1997. But one of the actors on the morning of July 31, 1997 was offered the lead role in a CBS Show called Family Life, that one was: Zeke Dabney. He called Joey at 9:00 and asked where he was, and he responded with:
-I'm at AVB Studios, come here if you want to tell me something.
About 20 minutes later, he arrived at AVB Studios and explained to Joey and Tom that he had more interest in Family Life than in Real Friends. Henderson and Miranda were surprised, but understood his decision. At 9:50, they started to make calls to the agents of the four men who had auditioned for the role of Charlie , all of them were at AVB Studios by 10:30, just before the auditions began, a guy knocked on the door, and after presenting himself, he expressed his interest in the role of Charlie. His name is Brad Williams. Henderson and Miranda were interested and allowed him to try out for the role.
At 13:00, following lunch break, Henderson called Brad's agent, Will Ogle, to inform him that Brad had gotten the role of Charlie. Ogle told Brad and he was happy. At 13:300, he went to AVB Studios to thank Joey for the role. He asked about the time he had to be there for the table reading and rehearsals. Joey responded with the following statement:
-You just have to memorize your lines and be here in Studio B24 tomorrow at 15:30. Why at 15:30? Because it's a process that I want to see if it works.
-OK. Understood-Said Briand and he left the place.
At 16,00:
Logan Reed, Maurine Jensen, Connor Dallmann, Nicole Sackville, Elon Rimmer, Christine Xylander, Zeke Dabney and Grace Naldi at studio B24 to record the characters' lines. Joey explained to them that he wanted the cast to meet each other for the first time on the first day of filming, and that the table reading would be a reward for their efforts on the auditions, he also said that they'd get 6.000 US$ for reading the lines.
At 17,00:
Logan Reed, just before leaving AVB Studios, Tom told Joey that all the efforts would have been worth because he knew the series was going to be successful.
"Hmm, I see your point Tom. You know, it's hard to predict the success of something, but when it happens, it can be a part of you that will live within you for all times"-Responded Joey.
Find out tomorrow the story on how these 8 great actors first met. 

domingo, 30 de julio de 2017


Hoy es el 30 de julio. Este es un día para observar y celebrar muchos eventos, algunos de ellos son:

  • La Fiesta del Trono en Marruecos

  • El Día de la Independencia en Vanuatu, de Francia y el Reino Unido

Los siguientes eventos ocurrieron en este día:

  • 762: Bagdad fue fundada

  • 1930: Uruguay gana la primera Copa Mundial de la FIFA en casa

1966: En el trigésimo sexto aniversario de la primera final de la Copa Mundial de la FIFA, en el tiempo extra, Inglaterra en casa ganó la Copa Mundial de la FIFA derrotando a Alemania 4-2 con Geoff Hurst anotando un hat-trick

Las siguientes personas famosas nacieron:
1947: Arnold Schwarzenegger

1963: Lisa Kudrow

1964: Jürgen Klinsmann

1970: Christopher Nolan

1974: Hilary Swank

1981: Hope Solo

También hay este día que es observado por los 193 miembros de la ONU para celebrar amistades:
Día Internacional de la Amistad

Oficialmente, esto es observado por las Naciones Unidas; Técnicamente todos los 193 miembros lo observan aunque no sea una tradición en muchos de ellos. El día se propuso por primera vez el 20 de julio de 1958, pero no fue declarado oficialmente hasta el 27 de abril de 2011, casi 53 años después de su primera propuesta. Hoy, tómese un momento para apreciar a todos sus amigos o celebrar las amistades que tiene, si es posible, no tiene que ser una fiesta, puedes celebrarlo de muchas maneras y SIEMPRE recordá esto:

En este día de 1997, un hombre llamado Joey Henderson, que había escrito el guión el 28 y lo presentó en ese día; Junto con su compañero de trabajo y amigo Tom Miranda, estuvieron en los AVB Studios en Los Ángeles organizando las audiciones para uno de los nuevos espectáculos AVB: Real Friends. El día anterior, habían estado ocupados decidiendo cuántas personas debían probar para cada uno de los personajes principales, con el espectáculo que había sido recogido el día anterior. A las 15:00 de ese día, se decidió que 5 personas serían el número.
A las 8:00 A.M., la audición comenzó. A esa hora exacta, un hombre llamado Logan Reed entró y anunció su intención de audicionar para el papel de Luke Wilson, dos minutos más tarde, dos hombres llamados Yanni Morahan y Xavier Langdon entraron y expresaron sus intenciones para el papel, a las 8: 05 un tipo llamado Kevin Marlowe entró y hizo lo mismo que los hombres mencionados y finalmente a las 8:07, un tipo calvo conocido como Brian Ray entró y hizo exactamente lo mismo. Joey leyó la línea: "Hey Ryan, ¿cómo ha ido la compañía hasta ahora ?, y les explicó que tenían que decirlo en un tono serio normal, quien impresionara a Joey y Tom más obtendría el papel.
Cuando las audiciones para Luke terminaron a las 8:30, comenzaron las audiciones para Christie Daniels, cinco mujeres fueron seleccionadas, a saber: Brooke Anderson, Maurine Jensen, Evelyn Daalman, Mandy Morrison y Belinda Gabler. Las audiciones finalizaron a las 8:55.
A las 9:30 comenzaron las audiciones de Ryan Johnson, que hablaba la primera línea del programa. Los hombres seleccionados fueron: Alan Blake, Connor Dallmann, Juan Raymond, Evan Hanley y Vince Saylor. La línea, considerada una de las más memorables primeras líneas habladas en un programa de televisión, es la siguiente:
"Hola, soy Ryan. Probablemente en un momento te has preguntado sobre cómo funcionan las verdaderas amistades, bueno, a lo largo de la cosa que yo y mis amigos hacemos, vas a entender cómo funcionan las verdaderas amistades, esto es lo que has venido, para ver cómo ser un verdadero amigo y cómo conseguir uno o más. Espero que a través de lo que veas puedas entender muchas cosas y puedo asegurarte que algunas cosas no eran tan malas o tan difíciles como creías. Te prometí que sin duda será una de tus mejores experiencias "-Ryan Johnson.
A las 10:30 terminaron las audiciones, ya las 11:00 comenzaron las audiciones de Jessie Gomez, una de las dos personajes principales que no tenían un apellido en inglés. Las mujeres seleccionadas fueron: Joelle Campbell, Natalie Earl, Alison Stevens, Holly Manners y Nicole Sackville.
Después de la pausa para el almuerzo, a las 13:00 volvieron a trabajar con las audiciones de Kevin Eriksson, los hombres seleccionados fueron: Marvin Mendez, Elon Rimmer, Manuel Giraldi, Bob Carlyle y Sid Domínguez. A las 13:30, comenzaron las audiciones de Jo Carlson, las mujeres seleccionadas fueron: Elena Tortelli, Rose Thompson, Simone Williams, Christine Xylander y Efa Zahariev.
A las 14:00, las audiciones de Charlie Carrey (el personaje NO está relacionado con Jim Carrey) comenzaron, los hombres seleccionados fueron: Liam Howard, Stephen Konrad, Louis Patton, Zeke Dabney y Eric Rowland. Y a las 14:30 comenzaron las audiciones para el último de los personajes principales a ser creado: Kim Bush. Las mujeres seleccionadas fueron: Janelle Garcon, Grace Naldi, Ann Lee, Louise Baaiman y Christina Quirk.
Entre las 16:00 y las 17:30, Joey llamó a cada uno de los agentes de los actores y actrices seleccionados en el orden de los personajes. Los elegidos fueron:
Luke: Brian Ray
Christie: Mandy Morrison
Ryan: John Raymond
Jessie: Alison Stevens
Kevin: Marvin Mendez
Jo: Rose Thompson
Charlie: Zeke Dabney
Y Kim: Ann Lee.
Independientemente, cada uno de los actores, llegó entre las 18:00 y las 19:30 para agradecer a Henderson por haberlos elegido.
Pero, ¿los ocho estarían juntos para filmar la serie entera?
Enterate mañana cuando la continuación se publique.


Today is July 30. This is a day to observe and celebrate many events, a few of those are:

  • Feast of the Throne in Morocco

  • Independence Day in Vanuatu, from France and the United Kingdom

The following events occurred on this day:
  • 762: Baghdad was founded 

  • 1930: Uruguay won the first FIFA World Cup on home soil

  • 1966: On the 36th anniversary of the First FIFA World Cup Final, in extra time, England on home soil won the FIFA World Cup defeating Germany 4-2 with Geoff Hurst scoring a hat-trick

The following famous people were born:
  • 1947: Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • 1963: Lisa Kudrow
  • 1964: Jürgen Klinsmann
  • 1970: Christopher Nolan
  • 1974: Hilary Swank
  • 1981: Hope Solo 

There is also this day that is observed by the 193 UN members to celebrate friendships:
International Friendship Day 

Officially, this is observed by the United Nations; technically all of the 193 members observe it even if it's not a tradition in many of them. The day was first proposed on July 20, 1958, but it was not officially declared until April 27, 2011, almost 53 years after its first proposal.  Today, take a moment to appreciate all of your friends or celebrate the friendships that you have, if possible, there doesn't need to be a party, you can celebrate it many ways and ALWAYS remember this: 

On this day in 1997, a man named Joey Henderson, having written the script on the 28th and presented it on that day; along with fellow co-worker and friend Tom Miranda, were at AVB Studios in L.A. organising the auditions for one of the brand new AVB shows: Real Friends. The day before, they'd been busy deciding on how many people they should try out for each of the main characters, with the show having been picked up the day before. At 15:00 of that day, it was decided that 5 people would be the number.
At 8:00 A.M., the audition began. At that exact hour, a man named Logan Reed came in and announced his intention to audition for the role of Luke Wilson, two minutes later, two men named Yanni Morahan and Xavier Langdon came in and expressed their intentions for the role, at 8:05 a guy named Kevin Marlowe came in and did the same thing as the aforementioned men and finally at 8:07, a bald guy known as Brian Ray came in and did the exact same thing. Joey read the line: "Hey Ryan, how's the company been doing so far? and explained to them that they had to say it in a normal serious tone, whoever impressed Joey and Tom the most would get the role. 
When the auditions for Luke finished at 8:30, the auditions for Christie Daniels began, five women were selected, namely: Brooke Anderson, Maurine Jensen, Evelyn Daalman, Mandy Morrison and Belinda Gabler. The auditions ended at 8:55.
At 9:30 the auditions for Ryan Johnson, who would speak the first line of the show, began. The men selected were: Alan Blake, Connor Dallmann, John Raymond, Evan Hanley and Vince Saylor. The line, considered one the most memorable first lines spoken in a TV Show ever, is the following:
"Hello there, I'm Ryan. You've probably at one point wondered about how true friendships work, well, throughout the thing that me and my friends do, you're gonna understand how true friendships work, this is what you came to see, how to be a real friend and how to get one or more. I hope that through what you see, you'll be able to understand many things, and I can assure you that some things were not as bad or difficult as they seemed to be. I promise you that this will undoubtedly be one your best experiences ever"-Ryan Johnson.
At 10:30 those auditioned finished, and at 11:00 started the auditions for Jessie Gomez, one of two main characters not to have a surname in English, The women selected were: Joelle Campbell, Natalie Earl, Alison Stevens, Holly Manners and Nicole Sackville.
Following lunch break, at 13:00 they were back to work with the auditions for Kevin Eriksson, the men selected were: Marvin Mendez, Elon Rimmer, Manuel Giraldi, Bob Carlyle and Sid Dominguez. At 13:30, the auditions for Jo Carlson started, the women selected were: Elena Tortelli, Rose Thompson, Simone Williams, Christine Xylander and Efa Zahariev. 
At 14:00, the auditions for Charlie Carrey (the character is NOT related to Jim Carrey) commenced, the men selected were: Liam Howard, Stephen Konrad, Louis Patton, Zeke Dabney and Eric Rowland. And at 14:30 started the auditions for the last of the main characters to be created: Kim Bush. The women selected were: Janelle Garcon, Grace Naldi, Ann Lee, Louise Baaiman and Christina Quirk.
Between 16:00 and 17:30, Joey called every single one of the agents of the actors and actresses selected in the order of the characters. The chosen ones were:
Luke: Brian Ray
Christie: Mandy Morrison
Ryan: John Raymond
Jessie: Alison Stevens
Kevin: Marvin Mendez
Jo: Rose Thompson
Charlie: Zeke Dabney 
and Kim: Ann Lee.
Independently, each of the actors, came between 18:00 and 19:30 to thank Henderson for having chosen them.
But, would the eight of them be together to film the entire series? 
Find out tomorrow when the continuation comes out.

sábado, 1 de julio de 2017

My trip to London

Today is July 1st. On this day in the following years:
-1867, Canada diplomatically becomes an independent country, having previously been under British control
-1873, Prince Edward Island becomes a Canadian province
-1908, SOS is adopted as the international distress signal
-1931, Boeing Air Transport, now United Airlines, begins service
-1960, Somalia becomes an independent state and Ghana becomes a republic
-1962, Rwanda and Burundi obtain their independence from Belgium
-1963, ZIP codes are introduced to US mail
-1966, the first color television transmission occurs from Toronto, Canada
-1972, the first Gay pride march takes place in England
-1976, Portugal grants autonomy to Madeira
-1978, the Northern Territory of Australia is granted self-government
-1979, Sony introduces the walkman
-1980, "O Canada" becomes the official anthem of Canada
-1997, Great Britain returnes Hong Kong to China
-2013, Croatia becomes the 28th member of the European Union
-1989, I travel outside of North America/The Americas for the very first time.
That is right, todays marks the 28th anniversary of the day I first traveled to Europe, in this case, the location is London, England. As you may know, I am of English descent through my father, whose parents (also my Uncle Todd's parents) were English. They and I are very proud of our ancestry. We love England, it's undoubtedly (for us) the best country of all Europe.
On June 30, 1989, my grandparents revealed to me that because of the fact that I had achieved success through acting; they had decided to save money so that I could travel to London, England's capital. I was shocked when I heard this, and after being silent for a few minutes, I was excited. I could not believe what I'd just heard! My parents and other family members as well as friends and people I know, gave me some advice on travelling to Europe, because they really know how Europeans feel about the US.
Later that day, my dad took me to the airport, many people, some included are: Matt [Smith], Julie [Johnson], Stevie [Lowe], and even AVB!; that's right, even Alison Roberts, Vincent Adams and Bob Smith had gone to the airport just to congratulate me and wish me luck. After saying goodbyes, hugging and kissing, I went to have my luggage cheked, and afterwards I just went to wait. The flight took off at exactly 19:45 PM. I arrived at Heathrow International Airpotrt at 07:15 AM there, in LA, it was 23:15. After getting my luggaged and getting some money, I was recognised by a little kid and his mom, throughout that day I received a ton of greeting and numerous autograph requests, it turned out that Billy's Lifewas really popular there. An hour later, I arrived at my hotel, and after leaving my stuff there, I decided to take a touristic tour, independently, not with a group of people; because I though I'd be safe if I took it alone. I went to a tourism agency and a man named Albert Powell (not related to Baden or Hope Powell for that matter), offered to be my guide, he did it for free, because I turned out to be the place's Lucky Person of the Day, they were not expecting a famous person to come to their agency. He took me to many places in the following order:
-The Buckingham Palace
-The Trafalgar Square
-St. Paul's Cathedral
-The London Bridge
-The Tower of London, where I met the Queen for the first time
-The Tower Bridge
-The Madame Tussauds
-The London Zoo
-The London Dungeon
-The British Museum
-The Natonal Gallery
-The National Portrait Gallery, where a man offered to draw my face for free. Here's a pic of it:
(Picture of the drawing shown)
And many more, the list is just too long, and yes, all of those things happened in just one day. That is right, ONE day!  Unbelievable, right?
At lunchtime, that was 12:30 of that day in England (in the US it was 04:30 AM). I ate fish and chips for the very first time outside of the USA, and it was delicious! Throughout most of the day, I wore sunglasses to avoid receiving attention, but my popularity on Billy's Life was so high, that people everywhere were recognising me, that tells how popular I was then (and now, to some extent).
During the tour, I net a number of famous people, namely:
-The Queen (as mentioned before)
-Helen Mirren
-Sean Connery
-Paul McCartney
-Alfred Molina
-Ringo Starr
-George Harrison
-A young and then unknown Daniel Craig
-David Bowie
AND More, I managed to get autographs of all of those people and they also requested me my own.
That day is possibly the one I signed the most autographs in Europe.
After teatime, it was time to go to the aiport, my flight had to be delayed for 6 hours because of technical problems. When it was fixed, Albert and the people from the agency said goodbye to me, and I said goodbye to them, too. I went to have my stuff checked. I waited for five minutes and entered the plane. At exactly 23:58 PM, the plane took off. I looked at the city and said to myself :-Thanks grandma, thanks grandpa, you just made an important day of my life.
I arrived at 22:30 (USA West Coast in the south time), my family members and the other people who had come to said goodbye the day before, went to greet me and ask me questions. Duringa celebration for travelling to Europe for the first time, I commented on how much travelling to London had changed me and the way I saw the world. My grandmother revealed that I had just said the purpose of the trip, and my grandfather explained it by revealing more and more details. After the party ended, I went to my bedroom and wrote a note of the day I had lived
(Picture shown)
It is one of the best moments I ever experienced in my teenage years.